Regular Checkups

Regular checkups and teeth cleanings play an important role in your oral health. We understand it may be hard to find time for a dental visit and we will do our best to be as accommodating as possible.

During your regular checkup, Dr. Kratz and our staff will perform a thorough examination, look for any new problems, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan if needed. You can expect to spend approximately one hour at our office for a checkup and teeth cleaning.

It's important to share any concerns you may have during your checkup. It may be helpful for you to write down a list of questions and bring them with you.

Digital X-Rays

X-rays play an important role in your oral health. These examinations provide information about the condition of your teeth and their roots, jaw placement, and overall composition of your facial bones. They can help to determine the presence or degree of gum disease, abscesses, and abnormal growths, such as cysts or tumors. X-rays can also show the exact location of impacted or unerupted teeth.

At Edina Dental Care, we offer digital x-rays, which emit a fraction of the level of radiation given off by traditional film x-rays. It only takes a second to complete the x-ray. Once completed, you are able to comfortably view your x-rays on our flat screen TV monitors. Dr. Kratz and our staff will go over each x-ray with you so you are able to understand it and ask questions if needed.

Dental Cleanings

At Edina Dental Care, we provide thorough, yet gentle, dental cleanings and recommend patients have a professional cleaning in our office at least every six months. After your cleaning, your smile will be whiter and brighter, your risk of dental decay and gum disease will be greatly reduced, and we will have had the opportunity to discover oral health problems that may be cropping up.

Keep in mind that regular dental cleanings are part of preventing dental decay, gum disease, jawbone recession, oral cancer, and diagnosing dental problems as early as possible. With early diagnosis and treatment, we can work together to avoid your need for more extensive dentistry. Regular dental cleanings at six-month or less intervals can save you significant time in the dental chair…and, of course, oral health care expenses.

Are you in need of a dental cleaning and oral health checkup?  Give us a call today at (952) 922-2214.

Fluoride/Sealant Treatments

Even if you are a model brusher and flosser, it's nearly impossible to reach all the way into the depressions and grooves of the back teeth. To protect these hard-to-reach areas against decay, Dr. Kratz may recommend dental sealants and/or fluoride treatments.

Dental sealants are a plastic material that acts as a barrier against decay-causing bacteria. The sealants are typically applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth (premolars and molars) where the risk of decay is highest. It only takes a few minutes to apply a dental sealant to a tooth. As long as the sealant remains intact, the tooth will be protected. During your regular checkup, Dr. Kratz will check the condition of your dental sealants to make sure they are keeping your teeth protected.

Fluoride treatments also provide another level of protection against decay. Edina Dental Care offers fluoride varnish, a relatively new and more palatable fluoride treatment. Since we apply a small amount of highly concentrated fluoride directly to the surface of your teeth, you shouldn't experience an unpleasant taste. Following treatment, the varnish remains on the teeth for several hours, making it a more effective way to prevent decay than traditional fluoride treatments.

Invisalign® Orthodontics

Dr. Michael Kratz of Edina Dental Care is a certified Invisalign provider.

“Orthodontics is much more than a cosmetic treatment,” says Dr. Kratz. “Orthodontic treatment improves oral health and the longevity of your natural teeth and dental restorations by properly spacing teeth and evenly distributing the load placed on occlusal contacts. Invisalign is an especially desirable form of orthodontic treatment because, throughout treatment, you can smile with confidence, not have irritated lips and cheeks, eat normally, and more easily and thoroughly clean your mouth.”

Four million individuals have been successfully treated using this technology. The effectiveness of Invisalign orthodontics is well documented for a wide range of orthodontic problems, including widely gapped, overly crowded, or protruding teeth–and even cases involving serious malocclusion, overbite, or underbite. Adults who wore braces as teens and have since seen their teeth move out of alignment are also good candidates.

By wearing a sequence of aligning trays (called aligners) on the upper and lower arches of your teeth, the roots of your teeth will be gently moved into optimal place. You will appreciate the clearness of the aligners and their smoothness. Because Invisalign aligners are removable, you can take them out for special occasions, and you will always remove them to eat and clean your teeth.

Invisalign is not just for teens. It’s also for adults who have never had orthodontics and for adults who wore braces as teens and have since had their teeth move out of alignment. The cost of full Invisalign treatment is not more than traditional wire and bracket braces, and treatment may be covered in monthly no-interest payments to CareCredit.

If you want to enjoy a straighter smile without the hassle and discomfort of metal braces, contact us today to learn if Invisalign is right for you.

Your initial Invisalign consultation appointment is complimentary.

Nightguards/Bite Splints

You've probably heard that tooth grinding and clenching wears away the surfaces of teeth. Recent studies indicate that constant clenching and grinding of the teeth may cause micro-fracturing at the gum line and make you more susceptible to gum recession.

Many people who have bite problems also experience nighttime bruxing (grinding) and daytime clenching. Bite splint therapy is usually the first course of treatment for these types of issues.

Your bite splint will be custom-made by Dr. Kratz in our in-house lab and adjusted precisely to fit your mouth comfortably. You can wear a bite splint at night and during stressful (clenching) times of the day to relax your jaw muscles and minimize wear.

A bite splint is just one of the useful tools and techniques we offer to create a safe, comfortable mouth until we can solve complex problems more permanently. Permanent solutions may include moving teeth, crowning greatly damaged teeth, and replacing any missing teeth with implants. Many adults facing the complex problem of a poor bite choose to undergo a period of orthodontics to ensure their problem is solved the best way possible.



Dr. Kratz and our staff recommend the use of sportsguards during any physical activity where there may be contact with other participants or hard surfaces. Wearing a sportsguard can prevent serious injuries such as broken teeth, jaw fractures, cerebral hemorrhage and neck injuries. They are also effective in preventing laceration and bruising of the lips and cheeks, especially for those who wear braces or other orthodontic appliances. Sportsguards may also reduce the severity and incidence of concussions.

Custom sportsguards are made from a cast of your teeth and provide the best protection, fit, and comfort. If you are in need of a sportsguard, we will ask you to come in to make a cast of your teeth. Dr. Kratz will make your sportsguard and follow up with a fitting to make sure it's a perfect fit.

TMJ/TMD Treatment


If your upper and lower teeth do not come together evenly when you bite down, they may interfere with each other, resulting in wear and discomfort. This is called "malocclusion."

It's not uncommon for patients with irregular bites to experience periodic or chronic pain in their jaw muscles. Some live with the continuous stress of pain and some have complications in their jaw joints and muscles. Perhaps, you have heard of the terms "TMJ" or "TMD." These refer to temporamandibular joint disorders.

Some patients with occlusal (bite) problems only have signs of excessive wear patterns on the surfaces of their teeth. Others experience one or more of the following: headaches, facial pain, cracked teeth, painful teeth requiring root canals, loose teeth, gum recession, painful head and neck muscles, jaw pain, and ear problems.

During your New Patient Exam, Dr. Kratz will check for signs of temporamandibular joint disorder. After this thorough examination, Dr. Kratz will assess your situation and recommend the appropriate therapy for you, if needed. Therapy may include a bite splint and working with other specialists, such as a physical therapist, orthodontist, or oral surgeon.

There is not a quick fix for temporamandibular joint disorder. By developing a treatment plan customized to fit your unique needs, Dr. Kratz can help you to successfully manage any recurring issues and achieve long-term oral health.